List three of your top priorities:
I am running for Alder because I believe regular people can make a real difference. My top priorities are implementing policies that put people first, ensuring that local government is accountable and responsive to the community, and engaging with residents and creating space for people to share new ideas and fresh thinking so that we can develop positive, community-based solutions.
If you could reverse one city action, what would that be?
Fund the Verona Area Needs Network (VANN). VANN does outstanding work in supporting the Verona school community, and they assist many families in Fitchburg. I believe our city has a responsibility to help VANN with their important work to ensure no Fitchburg children and families go hungry, while also working to address the root causes that make their work necessary.
How would you describe the council's relationship with the mayor, and how would you help improve it?
People are fed up with politics, and the failure of elected officials to seek compromise threatens the integrity of democracy itself. Our council and mayor must work together to have thoughtful conversations about matters of public concern. We need transparent discussion about the issues based on evidence, coupled with the willingness to consider all perspectives and learn from each other.
BONUS ANSWERS - questions they asked but aren't going to publish
What changes would you make in how the city handles development?
Protecting Fitchburg’s natural beauty, exercising conscientious stewardship of taxpayers’ dollars, and listening to the community is the responsibility of our city government and must improve. Preserving the Waubesa wetlands, while utilizing smart development for responsible growth is essential. We need to avoid unneeded expenses to taxpayers, and more fully utilize the neighborhoods we currently have ready for development.
What this city really needs is _____________.
More transportation options. Fitchburg has wonderful amenities like our Senior Center, Library, and Splash Pad. Unfortunately, without a car it’s extremely difficult to reach these public areas. Expanded mass transit is a community good that would increase access and allow more residents to enjoy these public features, while reducing traffic and building a stronger community.
- Name: Michael Childers
- Age: 48
- Address (street address, city): 5807 Danville Drive, Fitchburg
- Family: Wife and 3 sons
- Job (current job or, if retired, past career): Associate Professor, UW-Extension
- Political experience (elected offices only): 1st time Candidate
- Other public service (boards, committees, etc.): Community Shares of Wisconsin Board of Directors, Interfaith Coalition for Worker Justice Board Co-Chair, Partners in Giving University Coordinating Committee, YWCA Race to Equity Volunteer Facilitator
- Education (if college, list degree and subject; institution; and year graduated; if none, list high school) MS 2001, PhD 2004 Southern Illinois University Carbondale BS 1990 University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
- Online addresses:
List three of your top priorities:
I am running for Alder because I believe regular people can make a real difference. My top priorities are implementing policies that put people first, ensuring that local government is accountable and responsive to the community, and engaging with residents and creating space for people to share new ideas and fresh thinking so that we can develop positive, community-based solutions.
If you could reverse one city action, what would that be?
Fund the Verona Area Needs Network (VANN). VANN does outstanding work in supporting the Verona school community, and they assist many families in Fitchburg. I believe our city has a responsibility to help VANN with their important work to ensure no Fitchburg children and families go hungry, while also working to address the root causes that make their work necessary.
How would you describe the council's relationship with the mayor, and how would you help improve it?
People are fed up with politics, and the failure of elected officials to seek compromise threatens the integrity of democracy itself. Our council and mayor must work together to have thoughtful conversations about matters of public concern. We need transparent discussion about the issues based on evidence, coupled with the willingness to consider all perspectives and learn from each other.
BONUS ANSWERS - questions they asked but aren't going to publish
What changes would you make in how the city handles development?
Protecting Fitchburg’s natural beauty, exercising conscientious stewardship of taxpayers’ dollars, and listening to the community is the responsibility of our city government and must improve. Preserving the Waubesa wetlands, while utilizing smart development for responsible growth is essential. We need to avoid unneeded expenses to taxpayers, and more fully utilize the neighborhoods we currently have ready for development.
What this city really needs is _____________.
More transportation options. Fitchburg has wonderful amenities like our Senior Center, Library, and Splash Pad. Unfortunately, without a car it’s extremely difficult to reach these public areas. Expanded mass transit is a community good that would increase access and allow more residents to enjoy these public features, while reducing traffic and building a stronger community.