- Age 48, married to wife LuEllen for 22 years
- Three sons, youngest attends and two graduated VAHS
- Ten year resident of Fitchburg - relocated to Dane County to become a professor with the UW
- Associate Professor & Academic Department Chair, UW-Extension
- Member of Good Shepherd Parish and Sinsinawa Dominican Associate
- Member / volunteer with American Civil Liberties Union, Southern Poverty Law Center, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Sierra Club, Climate Reality Project, Interfaith Coalition for Worker Justice, YWCA
- Partners in Giving Campaign University Coordinating Committee
- Interfaith Coalition for Worker Justice Board of Directors Co-Chair
- Community Shares of Wisconsin Board of Directors
- YWCA Race to Equity Volunteer Facilitator
- Pax Christi USA Anti-Racism team
- Cub Scout leader, youth basketball & football coach, referee
- AFT-Wisconsin member and former Vice President
- Former volunteer and paid-on-call fireman